Crocker Farm Parent Guardian Organization: Supporting our children, teachers, and the Crocker Farm community through family events & activities, and through fundraising for field trips, classroom mini-grants, and more.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Lemonade and cookies for YOU!

The Jones and its branches want to thank you, the patrons, for being so patient during this transition to Evergreen. The librarians realize how hard it has been on patrons, and they want to reassure everyone that the system will get better.
Along with the lemonade/cookies, staff members will be available to answer Evergreen questions. Also, we will have a suggestion box available so that patrons can write down their comments/concerns about the new OPAC; we will forward patron comments on to C/W MARS staff.
Come with your questions. Come with your comments. Come thirsty!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
After school care meeting TONIGHT at Crocker Farm
Afterschool Program Registration Night
Submitted by kochn on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 6:40pm.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Crocker Farm School
New afterschool programs will be launched at Crocker Farm, Fort River and Wildwood Elementary Schools in the fall of 2012.
The afterschool programs are the result of a collaboration between the Amherst School Department and the Town of Amherst. The programs will integrate academic enrichment and support, field trips, outdoor recreation and performing arts programs within each afterschool program. Bus transportation home will be available and we will provide fee subsidy discounts to those who qualify to ensure equity and accessibility."
Summer Camp -- space still available!
Financial aid available
. Try Multi-Arts just for one day
. Fiesta Flamenca
Thanks to our donors and our successful Fiesta Flamenca fundraising,
Multi-Arts is offering over two slots at reduced fee for families in
need. To apply please contact Tara Luce.
One day option: Try our camp just for one day, come and have a
blast. From June 26 to June 29 families can sign up for a day: $60 for
Multi-Arts members, $70 new families.
Come to our Fiesta Flamenca & help us raise more funds for children at
your school. Our feast will take place at the beautiful Amherst Farm
Winery. You will enjoy food and dance. There will be tapas, a group
dance performance, music, a play for children, and an art auction.
Friday June 15, 2012, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at 529 Belchertown Rd, Amherst
For info:
. Try Multi-Arts just for one day
. Fiesta Flamenca
Thanks to our donors and our successful Fiesta Flamenca fundraising,
Multi-Arts is offering over two slots at reduced fee for families in
need. To apply please contact Tara Luce.
One day option: Try our camp just for one day, come and have a
blast. From June 26 to June 29 families can sign up for a day: $60 for
Multi-Arts members, $70 new families.
Come to our Fiesta Flamenca & help us raise more funds for children at
your school. Our feast will take place at the beautiful Amherst Farm
Winery. You will enjoy food and dance. There will be tapas, a group
dance performance, music, a play for children, and an art auction.
Friday June 15, 2012, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at 529 Belchertown Rd, Amherst
For info:
Quick-Start tennis camp at Amherst College
For those of you unfamilar with Quickstart tennis, Quickstart is a tennis movement put out out by the USTA (United States Tennis Associaton) that is directed at introducing and teaching children ages 10 and under the game of tennis in an interactive and fun environment. The racquets are smaller and thus more comfortable, the dimensions of the court are smaller, and lastly specialized balls are used which bounce lower. All of the variables combined with fun game play and exercise have lead Quickstart to become very popular at tennis clubs, town recreation departments, and at elementary schools around the country.
As a teacher, I know that parents are quite empowering in the schools. As someone from Connecticut who is trying to spread exposure to this great opportunity, I wanted to reach out to those who know the area best and could possibly give me some feedback. Do you think your school would accept flyers to post in the lobby or elsewhere? Is there a weekly parent email that goes out that a mention could be made about the camp? I truly appreciate any advice and/or direction you could give me as I think that this is a great opportunity for the kids of Amherst. If you want more information about the camp itself you can go to the camp's website:
Monday, June 11, 2012
Please Join Us . . .
Tuesday – June 12th – 4 to 9pm
Please join the Crocker Farm 6th Graders at The Pub on Tuesday, June 12th for a Crocker Farm Neighborhood Night. All you have to do is enjoy an evening eating out with friends from the CF community. Simply tell your server that you are there to support Crocker Farm 6th Graders and The Pub will donate a percent of the evening’s profits for the 6th Grade Graduation fund. Anyone can come--the more the merrier! See you there!
TUESDAY – JUNE 12th – 4 pm to 9 pm
The Pub – 15 East Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01002 – 413.549.1200
LAST CHANCE TO THANK A CF TEACHER OR STAFF STAR & Contribute to Strengthening our Schools!
Let AEF help you with your year-end gift! As the school year comes to a close, you can thank teachers and staff by giving a gift in their honor to AEF through the Teachers are Stars Program. We will send the staff member or teacher of your choosing, a handwritten card thanking them for their service to our schools and children.
Give online at: .
The Wednesday June 13 deadline is coming right up!
This year AEF provided $44,000 in grants for elementary school library books, literacy training, hands-on middle school science and VELA scholars programs in our schools. When Crocker Farm teachers wanted more training from Columbia University’s Teachers College learning new methods of teaching literacy, they turned to AEF, which provided a grant of $11,000 to fund this intensive professional development opportunity.
AEF is a volunteer-run nonprofit organization devoted to supporting our public schools. Thanks for your support!
LSSE summer basketball camps
Since summer is just around the corner, and here are our 2012 Summer Basketball Camps flyer! We are very excited about this year’s camps due to the high level of experience coming from our directors. Dennis Jackson will be directing the Footlocker camps as well as the “Blue Chip” Basketball camps where he “guarantees the basketball skills mastered here will elevate your game dramatically and teach the essential tools needed to uplift your play in the fast-paced game today.” Coach Jackson has 30 years of coaching experience at the high school, college and professional levels. Dwayne Killings and Jamahl Jackson will be directing the Complete Player Basketball Camp which is great because they are Amherst Regional alums who have grouped their playing and coaching experience together to create a camp that will bring your child’s game to the next level. Dwayne Killings is the assistant coach at Temple University and Jamahl Jackson is the head coach at Emmanuel College.
The Coed Beginner Basketball Camp will be directed by Kathy Horrigan who among a long list of credentials, has been the Director of Red Raider Basketball School ages 1st grade -8th grade for 13 years as well as coached Girls and Boys Basketball, Softball, Field Hockey and Baseball.
The Big Players Basketball Camp will be directed by Steve Jefferson who brings a unique three-way perspective to his teaching, having been a player, a coach, and a refer at both the high school and college levels. I hope this flyer answers any questions you might have in aiding you in picking the perfect basketball camp for your child.
To register for camp please visit or call the LSSE front office at 413-259-3065 or come visit us at our office located at 70 Boltwood Walk, Amherst MA 01002.
(Click on image to enlarge.)
Give Me Space!

For directions to the Plantarium, please click here:
Jane will be reading the first story, "Give Me Space," from her new book, "Stuey Lewis Against All Odds," the sequel to "The One and Only Stuey Lewis."
After the reading there will be a book signing, and a special planetarium show.
This free event, for 5-10 year-olds and their families, is co-sponsored by The Jones Library, Inc. and the Bassett Planetarium of Amherst College, and will launch The Jones Library's Summer Reading Program, whose theme this year is "Dream Big: Read."
(Not a school sponsored event.)
Art Studio Hadley summer program offerings
Click on images to enlarge or call 413.813.5394 for more information. Or click here!
(not school sponsored)
Thursday, June 7, 2012
LSSE summer sports camps
Since summer is fast approaching, we wanted to take the time to send you our Summer Sports Camps flyer and aid you in any additional information that you may need. We are excited about our new camp offerings that are now available to children as young as 3 years old! In order to register for any of the camps in black, please visit or call the LSSE front office at 413-259-3065 or come visit LSSE in the Bangs Center at 70 Boltwood Walk, Amherst MA 01002. Please go to index.aspx?NID=413 for full descriptions of our summer camps. Fee reductions up to 70% are available for qualified Amherst residents!
Further information can be obtained about the camps in red from the following websites:
Challenger Soccer Camp- index.aspx?NID=1657
If you have any camp specific questions please contact me at or give me a call at 259.3156.
(clicking on the image will make it slightly less itty bitty)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Pastel drawing workshop
(click on image to enlarge)
Thursday June 14th from 5-7 pm, local artist Greg Maichack will be offering a
How to Draw & Pastel Paint adult workshop in the style of Georgia O'Keeffe.
Interested? Call the Jones at 259.3090!
Happy painting!
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