About the PGO

You are the PGO! Every Crocker Farm family is automatically a member of the school's Parent & Guardian Organization (PGO).

The Crocker Farm PGO maintains this website as well as a facebook page to keep families informed about school & PGO events.

The PGO's mission is to enhance our children's educational and social experience by:
* Planning events that bring us together as a school community
* Sponsoring activities to raise funds for equipment, supplies, special school events, field trips, scholarships, and mini-grants for teachers
* Finding ways to show our appreciation and support of our teachers and staff

Volunteering at Crocker Farm
There are lots of ways to help out at Crocker Farm. Many of the school's great events and activities would not be possible without volunteers, and volunteering for even an hour or two makes a big difference to our school. Please print out the paper version of the volunteer form (link to volunteer form here) and
 return it to the school, or just email us at crockerfarmpgo@gmail.com and tell us how you'd like to get involved.  

PGO Steering Committee
Members oversee the PGO activities for the school year, and help decide the PGO's funding and other priorities. Here is a link to a description of the role of the PGO Board and the Board member positions, and a summary list of the PGO's activities (PGO_Board_Description & List_of_PGO_activities).  If you are interested in participating as a PGO board member, please email us at crockerfarmpgo@gmail.com.  

2016-2017 Crocker Farm PGO Steering Committee 

We are still seeking a School District News Coordinator 

If you are interested in being considered for the position, please email us at crockerfarmpgo@blogspot.com.  


Main PGO Events for the Year
(Ideas for additional events are always welcome)
These events are only made possible with the help of volunteers, including people who coordinate the events. 

Sept: Welcome Back Event(s)
Oct: Open House
Barnes & Noble Fundraiser; Winter Clothing Collection & Distribution 
Nov: Election Bake Sale fundraiser
Jan: Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast & Celebration ; Ski & Skate Sale Fundraiser with Amherst Lions Club
Winter: Family Movie/Activity Nights

Winter: Afterschool chess club once a week
March:  Hillside Pizza Fundraiser
March-April: PGO Coffee(s) with School Committee Candidates
April: Used Book Swap

April: Bus Driver & Crossing Guard Appreciation Breakfast
Spring: Annual Appeal Fundraiser
June: Ice Cream Social, Spring Tag Sale, Staff Appreciation Breakfast;
Help with Field Day, Help with Graduation
Ongoing: Monthly PGO Coffees with the Principal (& Special Guests)

What the PGO pays for & helps pay for:
*Field Trips: PGO subsidizes trips & helps with grant applications
*In-School Performers & Education Enhancement Activities
*Mini-grants for Teachers & Staff
*Class Celebrations
*Math Night Support
*Band & Orchestra Fundraisers
*Ethnic & Heritage Events
*Student Snacks for Guidance Office & classrooms
*Money for Guidance Dept, for student/family needs

Celebration for ARHS seniors who are Crocker Farm alumni
*PGO Scholarship to ARHS Senior who is a Crocker Farm alum