The ARPS Redistricting Committee will begin their series of public information sessions for all members of the community this week. This is an important opportunity to learn about the plans for reorganizing the elementary schools within the Town of Amherst. The first forum will be on Thursday, October 8 at 7 pm at Marks Meadow. The second will be on Wednesday, October 14 at 7 pm at Crocker Farm. Come ask questions and offer your voice in this very important decision for our school district. Translators and babysitting will be provided at each session.
To view the map, please visit: http://www.arps.org/files/Redistrict10_02_2009.pdf
The map was developed with the following parameters:
* no child is on a bus more than 30 to 35 minutes
* language clustering will not occur
* the % of low income kids is 32.3% at WW, 34.8% at CF, and 35.2% at FR
* the size of the schools is within 100 kids at each (359 at CF, 454 at FR, 440 at WW)
* class sizes are still low (average of 19.9 at CF, 19.7 at FR, and 20 at WW)
* the plan follows natural borders (e.g., main roads, railroad tracks), with the exception of two apartment complexes off of East Hadley Road (one will move to FR, one to WW)
* kids at all schools are moving (100% at MM, 40% at CF, 20% at FR, 38% at WW).