community-wide survey is currently available electronically and in
paper form in order to collect information from our citizens and
families about the possibility of consolidating the Regional Middle and
High Schools into a single building. The exploration of this possible
consolidation is the result of a significant funding gap at the Regional
level, as well as a declining student population. Additionally, the
study is the result of questions from the leaders of our four towns
about when and whether such consolidation might occur.
Ellen Story and the Amherst-Pelham Regional School District will
convene a “Hurricane Revisioning Summit” on November 7, 2015 that will
bring together community stakeholders from the district towns to
participate in facilitated discussions about this proposed consolidation
initiative and the financial, educational, and social opportunities and
challenges it presents, including repurposing of the middle school
building and potential enhancement of educational and community
programming. The District has engaged the services of the Massachusetts
Office of Public Collaboration (MOPC) at the University of
Massachusetts Boston to conduct this community survey and to design and
facilitate the Summit. MOPC does not recommend outcomes or solutions,
but instead facilitates a neutral and inclusive public process designed
to allow everyone to be heard, to be listened to, and to gain a better
understanding of the issues.
part of its facilitation role, MOPC is administering the community-wide
survey to collect confidential input that will help frame issues for
discussion at the November 7th Summit and help ensure broad
participation in the process and inclusion of all perspectives around
planning for the future of the schools. This survey is currently
available online in English here and in Spanish here.
Amherst, Leverett, Pelham and Shutesbury residents and other interested
stakeholders are encouraged to participate in this confidential survey
that will be available through Friday, September 25, 2015.