Classroom Presentations (Grades K, 1, & 3)
Grades 4-6 visit with Specials Teachers (Art, Music, P.E., Library, Computer/Technology) ELL, Special Education, Guidance, Reading/Math Intervention (Title I) in individual rooms
Classroom Presentations (Grades 4, 5, & 6)
Grades K, 1, 2 and 3 visit with Specials Teachers (Art, Music, P.E., Library, Computer/Technology, ELL, Special Education, Guidance, Reading/Math Intervention (Title 1) in individual rooms
CHILDREN ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THIS EVENT WITH THEIR FAMILIES. There will be no childcare available. Children will go to classrooms with a parent/guardian.
THE CROCKER FARM PGO will have a table set up in the school lobby during Open House. Stop by & say hello. All Crocker Farm parents & guardians are automatically part of the PGO.