Friday, February 26, 2016

PGO Letter to Families - February 2016

This letter is going out in backpacks as well.

February 26, 2016

Dear Crocker Farm Families,
We hope that you all had a great February vacation and enjoying this lovely spring-like weather while it lasts. We are now more than halfway through the school year.  Wow, the time is flying by!

In January, the PGO assisted with the school-wide Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast, organized by a committee of teachers and staff. School teachers, staff, families, and the PGO provided yummy baked goods, fruit, and juice, with plenty for all. Leftover food was distributed to classrooms to use for class snacks.  A big thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success! 

In January, the PGO also helped with the Amherst Lions Club Ski & Skate Sale. This event is a fundraiser for the Lions Club and for the Crocker Farm PGO. On Friday night of the sale, there was an issue with the Lions Club’s credit card machine and no credit cards were charged for purchases. The Lions Club is asking for people bought equipment that night to make alternative payment. Checks can be made out to the Amherst Lions Club, and sent to Denise O’Donovan at the Amherst Regional Middle School, 170 Chestnut St, Amherst. For questions, please contact Todd Cromack, Lions Club Ski & Skate Coordinator at

Right now, the Crocker Farm PGO is in the middle of chess club. This week we finish up with grades 4-6, and on Fridays from March 5th to April 1st, we’ll be running chess club for grades 1-3.  Many thanks to Chess Club leader parent David Schmidt, the parent volunteers, and to Ms. Coley for letting us use her classroom. 

Upcoming PGO events:
·         Tues, March 1st, primary election day fundraiser: Volunteers will be staffing a table with baked goods, fruit, and snacks at Crocker Farm. Food contributions welcome. 

·         Friday, March 4th, 8:45 a.m.  Coffee with the Principal. Derek Shea will be speaking about restorative justice and its use at Crocker Farm. 

·         March 8th-24st.  Hillside Pizza and cookie dough fundraiser. Orders forms coming home soon. Orders will due by Fri, March 18th, and will be available for pickup afterschool on Thurs, March 24th.
·         Early April.  The PGO will be collecting books for our annual used book swap. The swap will be held in mid-April before school vacation.  Books for all level readers from preschool to 6th grade are needed. 

The PGO is seeking volunteers to serve on the Crocker Farm PGO Board for next school year. Open positions include chairperson, co-chair, and communications and fundraising coordinators. PGO positions are flexible and can work around volunteers’ schedules, and serving on the leadership team is a very rewarding experience. If you are interested in serving as a PGO officer or in finding out more, please contact the PGO (email: We are also seeking people to help with and to coordinate events later this spring such as the ValleyGives Fundraiser, the Ice Cream Social, a spring tag sale, and Bus Driver and Teacher/Staff Appreciation events. 

Best wishes to all,

Your Crocker Farm PGO
Tracy Zafian, Chair