Monday, March 28, 2016

Questionnaire for Crocker Farm families

March 23, 2016

Dear Crocker Farm Families:

As we mentioned in the last Crocker Chronicles, the Amherst-Pelham Schools have formed a partnership with the UChicago Impact to provide us with reliable, ongoing data for school improvement.  Between March 23rd and April 15th, all Amherst Schools will partner with UChicago Impact to survey students in grades 4, 5, and 6 as well as the staff in our school.  In addition, UChicago Impact provides a parent survey component.

Today, students began taking the survey in their computer/technology classes.  Parents and guardians can take their survey using this link:  

Your identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected to you or your child.

The components of the 5Essentials:   

1.   Ambitious Instruction:  Classes are challenging and engaging.

2.   Effective Leaders:  Principals and teachers implement a shared vision for success.

3.   Collaborative Teachers:  Teachers collaborate to promote professional growth.

4.   Involved Families:  The entire staff builds strong external relationships with families.

5.   Supportive Environment:  The school is safe, demanding, and supportive.

It is vitally important that we hear from all of our Crocker Farm Families.  To that end, we thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey. Certainly contact one of us if you have any questions.
Derek Shea, Principal and Sharri Conklin, Assistant Principal