Thank you so much Crocker
Families for all that you gave during October and on Election Day. We raised
$6,235 during our October fun drive, and the icing on the cake is the $1,596 we
raised at the Election Day bake sales !
We know that educating our
children is the best way to ensure a change in the future. We will use these
funds wisely, including purchasing everything that is remaining on the teacher
wish lists for classrooms.
We are grateful for the funds raised and also for
the generous volunteer hours parents donated. A big shout-out to Samantha Burns
and Amanda Robertson for coordinating the bake sales. By our calculations, over
100 volunteer hours went into prepping, baking, and staffing the bake sales.
Thank you for all that you have done for our community.
The Crocker Farm PGO
The Crocker Farm PGO