SING! for treble voices ages 12 - 18 (July 5 - 10, 2015)
SING! Jr. for boys and girls ages 7 - 11 (July 6 - 10, 2015)
Amherst College
Musical theater, choir, chamber music, a cappella, and more!
Register now at www.singthissummer.com.
For more information email singthissummer@gmail.com
Strings @ Amherst, a weeklong summer music intensive for young string players.
Junior Program: grades 3 - 6
Senior Program : grades 7 - 12
July 5 - 10, 2015
Amherst College
Orchestra, chamber music, individual and group techniquie, musicianship, fiddling, dancing, drumming, and more!
Register now at www.stringsthissummer.com
For more information, email stringsatamherst@gmail.com