Crocker Farm will be holding a breakfast for
all students on Thursday, Jan 15th, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King
The breakfast times are as follows:
8:45 – 9:10: 1) Robinson 2) Hughes 3) Joyce 4) G.B. 5) Donovan 6) Radtke
9:15 – 9:40: 1) Prather 2) Teitelman 3) Harvey 4) Pratt 5) McCloskey 6) Moriarty
9:45 – 10:10: 1) Mattone 2) Carson 3) Lefebvre 4) Donoghue 5) Bartolini 6) Coley
Parents are invited to attend with their child(ren). We are seeking
volunteers to help provide fruit, baked goods, & juice for the meal,
and to help serve. Please visit our online signup form if you can
help out: Thanks!