Drama Workshop
Grades 3 - 5
Gods, Godesses, and Percy Jackson
Wednesdays Apr 8 - Jun 10, 5:00 - 6:30
Cost: $139 (plus $10 lab fee)
To register: 413-259-3065, or www.lsse.org
Come join us on Mount Olympus as we "try on" the characters of those fun and fasinating Greek Gods. What would it be like to be Zeus, Hera, Hades, Athena, Poseideon, or Aphrodite? We will also explore the characters of the Percy Jackson novels, integrating the ancient with the modern. Through drama games, improvisation, scene work, storytelling, and monologues, participants will have a chance to learn about and explore the mythical world of heroes, gods, goddesses, and bests. Art activities will also be included.