Thursday, March 27, 2008

Media, Body Image, and Our Kids

Fathers, Mothers, Guardians, Teachers and Staff of the Amherst/ Pelham Elementary School Community~ Join us to explore Media, Body Image, and Our Kids on Tuesday, April 8, 2008, from 6:30-8:00pm in the Middle School Cafeteria.

Erica Scharrer, Dept. of Communication, UMass Amherst and Tom Gardner, Dept. of Communication, Westfield State College will facilitate a discussion on the following questions: How is body image portrayed in the media? How does media imagery of bodies impact our kids, both boys and girls? What are ways to help kids think critically about messages in the media? We'll view parts of two films, "Slim Hopes: Advertising and the Obsession with Thinness" and "Tough Guise: Violence, Media, and the Crisis in Masculinity," and follow with an informal discussion.

For more info, contact Chris Felton, 253-1242, or Sue Cairn, 253-9148, Childcare can be provided. Please contact Chris by April 4 if childcare is needed. Sponsored by: Diversity and Social Justice Committee of the Fort River Parent Council