Friday, May 29, 2009

Come be a part of Amherst's youth track and field league.

Sugarloaf Youth Track League: Sponsored by the Sugarloaf Mountain Athletic Club and the Town of Amherst Leisure Services

The first meet is Sunday May 31 at the ARHS track. Bring a picnic and make it a family night at the track! It's not too late to sign up! We will take additional athletes at any time. Here is a link for the entry form, just print it out and bring it with you on Sunday:

Who: Boys and Girls currently in grades 1-8
Fee: $42/person by 5/8; $52 after 5/8 --- A $10 non-resident fee will be added to any participant who is not an Amherst resident.
Location: Amherst Regional High School Track
Meets: Sundays, May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 28 (awards night) (Make-up date: June 25)
5:15-8:15 p.m.