Please attend an organizational meeting to harness parent energy in addressing the current Amherst/Amherst Regional budget crisis.
When: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 7 p.m.
Where: At MJ Viederman's home, 150 Blackberry Lane, Amherst. Long driveway at the end of the street -- park at the circle and walk into the long driveway, or drive in and park along the left side of the roadway.
Who: Everyone interested in maintaining excellent schools in our community.
Why: The budget situation this year has the potential of making all of our schools unrecognizable. If we work together to utilize the wealth of skill, creativity, and knowledge as a community, then we can build a cooperative plan for all students to continue to excel.
Bring: A smile, your calendar, and all of your ideas.
Enthusiastically supported by the ARMS FSP
Amherst Regional Middle School Family School Partnership