BATEPAPO (baht-chee-pah-poh) is Brazilian for people getting together and chatting.
FESTA (fesh-ta) is a party or celebration.
We're having both! Come to our fun and family-friendly gathering on Saturday, May 8 at the North Star building in Hadley. (135 Russell St., corner of 9 and 47)
Kids Capoeira Workshops!
2:00-3:30- Ages 5-10, $15
4:00-5:30- Ages 10 and up, $15
Introduction to the art of capoeira- movement, acrobatics, music, dance.
To register call 413-386-8316.
Kids Capoeira performance at 6:00, followed by a full demonstration roda (hoda).
Brazilian BBQ begins around 7:00- lots of meat but also a full range of traditional Brazilian food will be available, including vegetarian options. $10/plate adults, $5/kids.
Outside games, music, and fun things to do all afternoon! Learn about capoeira, Brazilian culture, and have a great time!
This event is a fundaiser for our group's upcoming Batizado (baht-chee-zah-doh). All funds directly support our capoeira group.