Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lend a Hand - The PGO's annual campaign

What does the PGO do with Lend a Hand donations? It funds field trips, purchases goods and services that the school’s budget doesn’t provide, and helps pay for special school programs and events. In short, it enhances the educational experience of all Crocker Farm students.

If you’ve already contributed to Lend a Hand, thank you! If you have the resources to donate to Lend a Hand but have yet to do so, please make your gift NOW!

You can make your gift knowing that Crocker Farm students and families do not fundraise through candy or wrapping paper sales.  This means you do not need to spend time selling products, collecting money & distributing purchases.  You do not need to pay high prices while Crocker Farm would get just a fraction of this money.   Instead of selling stuff, we're asking you to please give generously to Lend a Hand - 100% of your donation goes to our school.

It’s easy to donate. Here’s how:
- Online at Click on Donate.
- Check made out to Crocker Farm PGO. Write “Crocker Farm PGO” on the envelope and send in with your child or mail to the school (280 West Street).
- Cash. Send cash to school with your child in an envelope labeled “Crocker Farm PGO.”
- If you're in school, drop off your check (or cash) with Cathy in the office.

Your contributions benefit all Crocker Farm families!
Thank you for your support!