Sunday, December 21, 2014

December Crocker Chronicles

The full Crocker Chronicles can be downloaded here: (link)

December 2014

December is a busy time at Crocker Farm! Here’s a snapshot of some of the happenings during this month:
*** Thanks to Ms. Zsigmondi who put on a fabulous performance with our 4th and 5th grade singers this week!
*** Our 6th grade Chorus performance is Tuesday, December 16th at 6:30pm in our cafeteria.
*** Our Reading Intervention Team put on a Title I sponsored Family Celebration for students who receive reading intervention on Thursday, December 11th. Students were able to share what they’ve been working on with their families.
***Many of our classrooms are having year end celebrations highlighting special projects and honoring each other.
***Our 3rd grade teachers collaborated to create an experience for all their students connected to their study of the Wampanoag? The teachers created a “long house” in each classroom and divided the students into clans. Students were able to experience some of Wampanoag life.
***Many thanks to our 6th grade students who offer a multitude of community service throughout our building – from mentoring younger children to working in the library and lunch room to organizing our Lost and Found. Our oldest students are giving back to our community in a positive way.

This month, all Amherst Elementary Schools will present their School Improvement Plans to the School Committee. This plan was developed in collaboration with our School Governance Council, Administrators and SILT (School Instructional Leadership Team). We are proposing the following mission:
We, at Crocker Farm Elementary School believe in promoting high achievement for all of our students. We recognize that each child is an individual; that all children are creative; that all children have the potential to succeed through support, dedication and hard work. For this to occur, we, at Crocker Farm School, commit to examining our
practices focusing on the following three goals:
--- Goal 1: We will ensure a positive classroom and school wide climate for every student.
--- Goal 2: We will align curriculum with standards and evidence based practices.
--- Goal 3: We will provide engaging and inclusive instruction in every classroom.

After the School Committee has approved our plan, we would like to share more about the strategies, resources needed, persons responsible and timelines for all of this work. In January, every family will receive a copy of the School Improvement Plan. Many thanks to all the groups of people including parents and teachers who helped create this plan.
Just a reminder, that the last day of school before Winter Break is Tuesday, December 23rd – a full day of school. We will look forward to seeing your children on Monday, January 5th.

Wishing you a restful and enjoyable break with family and friends.
Derek Shea, Principal Sharri Conklin, Assistant Principal