Monday, January 7, 2013

How to pick up your kids after school

Below is a letter from the co-principals from last month regarding the changes in school policy for picking up our children.  (Apologies for the delay in getting this up.)

December 21, 2012

Dear Crocker Farm Families,

Thank you for your patience over the last week as we reflected on our safety procedures.
We spent much time considering our current practices and designing modifications where
necessary. On Thursday we performed a formal walkthrough with the ARPS Safety Response
Team, including Superintendent Maria Geryk, Director of Maintainence and Facilities Ron
Bohonwicz, and representatives from Amherst Police Department. While we are proud to say
many of our efforts at safety were determined to be excellent, there are certainly areas of
improvement to work towards. Please make note of the changes below.

New dismissal procedures effective 1/2/13:

• Parent Pickup: Parking for Parent Pickup is available in the preschool lot accessible
from the West Street entrance. Parents will wait in the foyer at the Preschool entrance.
This is the entrance to the direct left of the Main entrance. Teachers will drop off
students in the Kindergarten hallway where they will wait until their parents have
signed them out. Students and parents will then leave out the preschool door.

• Bus Dismissal: Classes are to dismiss out the Main Office Entrance. Buses will be lined
up in front of the entrance in their regular order.

• LSSE After School Program: LSSE After School staff will assist in escorting students to
the cafeteria. Pick up from the LSSE After School Program will be from the Shays Street
entrance. We are working on getting extra lighting at this entrance as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your patience as we work towards making our school a safer place. As the
above procedures are new, there will be challenges as we move towards implementation. We
appreciate your flexibility. Please contact us with any suggestions or concerns.

We hope you have a restful and safe December vacation. See you in 2013!

Annie Foley and Derek Shea, Co-principals