Sunday, June 21, 2015

Amherst College Studies Seeking Youth Participants

(1) The Peer Relationships Lab at Amherst College is currently recruiting adolescents (ages 13 to 17 years old) and their parents for an Adolescent Social Interaction Study.   Participating adolescents and their parent will complete a 45 minute assessment at Amherst College that includes an interview and completion of measures assessing social experiences. $30 compensation is provided.

For more information, contact the Peer Relationships Lab at 413-542-5619 or  This research is being conducted by Dr. Julia McQuade at Amherst College. 

(2) The Child Learning and Development Lab (CLAD) at Amherst College studies of children ages 0-10 years of age.   Professor Dr. Carrie Palmquist, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Amherst College, is conducting a series of studies at the Child Learning and Development Lab that investigate how children learn from others and about the world around them. Participation in a study takes no more than 30 minutes. 
If you would like your child to participate, contact the CLAD Lab at 413-542-5652, email, or visit to learn more and register your family!  
 Not an ARPS or PGO sponsored activity)